Latest News
Arden will be holding information sessions on Wednesday 1 February from 10.30am to 4.30pm and 6.00pm to 8.00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend and discuss our vision and plans.
Syed Ahmed Shah
We were very sorry to hear about the tragic death of Syed Ahmed Shah (Ahmed), following a collision between two cars in Solihull on Friday 13th January.
Parent Governor election
Arden currently has a vacancy for a Parent Governor. Within this section you will find further information about the candidates and how to vote.
Iceland 2016
We arrived at the airport excited at the prospect of the week ahead. It was busy although we checked in and boarded the plane without any issues.
Arden Young Enterprise
As part of the Sixth Form at Arden, Wednesday afternoons are left free for students to complete an enrichment activity.
Movember success!
Seventeen male members of staff have been growing moustaches during November and raising money to support 'Movember'.
A huge thank you
Thank you to everyone within the Arden family who made the charity day in support of Teenage Cancer Trust on Friday 25 November so successful.
Physics visit to CERN
On the Physics departments yearly pilgrimage to CERN, I found the hype Mr Smith had created lived up to expectation. On the first day we were lucky enough to be...
Maths Challenge success
Congratulations to the Year 12 and 13 students who recently participated in the Senior Maths Challenge run by the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust. The students had to complete 25 multiple...
Cheque for Knowle FC
We were delighted to hand over a cheque to Mr Dave Sykes from Knowle Football Club for just under £3000 to help towards the cost of replacing the clubhouse roof...